Privacy Statement
ESP Executive Search Privacy Policy
ESP is committed to ensuring the privacy of your personal information. This document has been compiled with reference to the Commonwealth Privacy Act (1988) (Act) and the ten National Privacy Principles contained within that Act. It explains how ESP will collect, use and disclose your personal information.
How your information will be collected
Your personal information may be collected from time to time or when you attend a consultation, interview, submit your resume or take part in any psychological assessment or test. Generally, we collect your personal information to facilitate the provision of the Services we provide. The type of information collected may include (but is not limited to) personal and sensitive information when we receive:
- any reference about you
- the results of inquiries that we might make of your former employers, work colleagues, educational institutions, professional associations or registration body;
- the results of any competency or medical test; performance feedback (whether positive or negative);our assessment of your ongoing performance and prospects;
- information about termination or terms and conditions of your current and/or any previous employment;
- training, performance, conduct or disciplinary records, including performance reviews from either your current and/or any previous employers;
- remuneration details and bonus and share plan information of your current and/or any previous employment;
- information about membership of a professional or trade association or a trade union; and
- any other information provided by you.
To assist you effectively, we may need to release certain appropriate information about you, having gained your express permission to:
- potential and actual employers and clients of ESP;
- referees;
- our contractors and suppliers – e.g. people contracted to ESP to assist in the nature of our work.
- any person with a lawful entitlement to obtain the information.
Your information that we ask for is purely voluntary
If you choose not to provide the information we seek, we may be limited in our ability to assist you through the services we provide. ESP Executive Search will take all reasonable precautions to protect your personal information from loss, misuse or alteration.
You can gain access to your personal information
You may request access to personal information held by ESP about you and advise ESP of any perceived inaccuracy.
To make a request, you will need to complete an application form verifying your identity and specifying what information you require. In providing the information, ESP may charge you a fee that will reflect our reasonable administrative, postage and handling costs.
The Act does set out some situations where you will not be able to access your information. For more information on circumstances in which you may not be able to access personal information you should go to the website of the Federal Privacy Commissioner at .
If you want to make a general enquiry, change your personal information, obtain an application form for access to your personal information, or if you have a grievance which relates to privacy, then please inform us in writing addressed to the Privacy Manager.